Jul 25, 2009 22:24
people used to bitch about how the previous administration spent money. this week US treasury will float $235 billion of new debt... yup that's the entire cost of the war in Afghanistan to date (222 billion per NPR), plus 13 Billion IN ONE WEEK. where's the outrage? change we can believe in kids
Feb 23, 2009 21:04
cutting some people i don't feel like i need on my list.
no hard feelings but i rarely update and even though i do read daily...there only like 2 people on my friends list i actually like.
Oct 03, 2008 11:44
I truly hope that Obma wins the election so that when the economy is still in the toilet and the world sucks even more the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. But I'm sure to true Democrat form, they would find some Republican somewhere to blame.