Apr 08, 2004 01:13
Can't find Mandos anywhere, and everyone tells me I got to die to get there. ::covers his nose with a paw:: This is silly.
Jade-pet! Where are you?
Mar 19, 2004 00:22
::kicks a clump of dirt at Hild, then turns back:: I'll find my pet by myself. Nobody asked you to come, anyway.
Feb 10, 2004 19:12
Nobody asked you to come! ::bristles at his sister:: I wanted to find my pet, so I left, but you didn't have to follow me! And it's your fault we're lost, anyway! I was doing fine until you said you smelt her on a different path and got us all turned around.
::slumps:: I'm never going to find my pet.
Nov 17, 2003 10:49
So I'm going to find her. Papa said I couldn't go to Man-dos, but I've been there before, and my pet goes there, so I'm going to find her. ::searches determinedly::
I wonder how far away Man-dos is.
Sep 14, 2003 18:55
She has a pet of her own. He has wings.
I approve.
My pet needs wings. I wonder if the White Lady could give her some. ::goes looking for Ioreth::
Jul 25, 2003 17:27
::stalks a moth::
Jun 15, 2003 15:26
::runs all over the lab looking for Grima:: Papa, me 'n Hild got you a bear! It's all skinned and everything! ::excited::
Jun 08, 2003 18:49
::starts stalking a test tube::