May 15, 2008 21:14
I am so so disappointed with someone on my friends' list. Normally I don't give a shit what anyone says or does. But this...
I may have to cut them and I have never done that to anyone first.
May 08, 2008 10:05
Do people ever stop bitching?
Apr 29, 2008 16:49
I was driving to work and an old song by George Harrison was on the radio. My Sweet Lord.
I am not religious. Not even close. I won't tell you what I think of Hare Krishna because it might piss some people off. (Well, I guess I did just tell you).
But I really like that song.
Apr 23, 2008 22:45
Wow, that wasn't even close. Oh well. Season over Generals.
Apr 22, 2008 22:14
The last place in the world I want to be tomorrow is Belleville. Why couldn't they just lose already.
Apr 16, 2008 16:19
Off to Belleville tonight of all places. Never been there ... one of those many places on the 401 that I haven't given a fuck about.
Apr 13, 2008 22:22
So I was in St. Catharines today watching a hockey game. A guy I met plays for the team in Oshawa. He's young. What the hell am I doing?
Mar 20, 2008 22:49
If LJ becomes paid only, will you fork out or just leave?
Feb 18, 2008 16:57
Happy Family Day, my ass.