Taken from one of
dramaphile's old entries -
Springcleaning, semipoem
I'm clearing the memories tomorrow,
Disparity, semipoem
“Remember December," they say.
From the Shore I See the Skyline, cookie (Lh)
The two figures sit, watching sunrise.
Dependence, cookie (Sb)
She hated the sight of strawberries - once they had excited her, thrilled her, made her quiver in anticipation of watching him do whatever she wanted.
Complete Picture, cookie (Lh)
There was a woman sobbing nearby.
Falling, cookie (Hm)
She sat, swinging her legs slightly to and fro - a young woman who could have been any other you met on the street.
Aspect of Continuity, semipoem (a lousy one -_-)
The focus of the mind,
Anyone of Us (Eat CR Cake), spoof (a lousy one -_-)
Getting ganged up by goblins,
Black and White, story
It wasn’t that easy.
Da Vinci Code, semipoem/semitranslation
Smile -
Nothing was written in September. :(
Shadow of the Waxwing Slain, cookie (Jo)
“I am the shadow of the waxwing slain.”
Wish to Fall, cookie (Sb)
Every year since I was fifteen, I make the same wish, on the same day, in front of this same tree.
It's Nov->Nov cos I haven't written anything this month. -blushes- Sigh, I need inspiration. Maybe I'll finally do a yaoi piece..a -real- yaoi piece. Problem is I've always preferred het one-shots, because he/she is so suited to the style. And this doesn't really say much, except..most of the writing I've done this year has been at prodding (cookies for people) -- and my first lines are generally short. Ah well.