Heck, I must be falling prey to this "LJ contract" sydrome, since I noitice i haven't posted anything that all my friends can read since April 6th, and nothing at all for the past few days. So now i feel obliged to explain myself *laughs *
Don't worry . I have signed the pledge to not be driven away by the hackers.
Two problems, basically: money and
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Comments 19
your symptoms are all the same as symptoms i have had. just so yor can see what i am talking abot i am not hoine to make any coreections to the rest of my comment. i still have nerve pronlems with my right foort withc was the first one affected and even before i got sick.
the tremors i use d to have in my clad and sometimes thiht muscles are gone - not sure why. ut i have doen a lot ot owrk fixing mey body from the ravages of elica diseade. my hip pain was on the left but that is rare now.
oe ofthe factor 9at least i think) in my recover y is the reduction iof white sgar in my diest.
don't know f any of this will help btu i thiout i would put in my two cents anyay.
hope you enjoyed "wolf uncensored."
so you think that ALL these symptoms are caused by soya? :(
well i better go on eating soya til june 1st (neurologist appointment) or else i might have have another non-result mightn't i?
that might come accross as masochistic, but am sick to death of non-results, and the concommitant pressure to do things that are gonna make me ill (like eating gluten)
i just spent 3 hours making myself a big pan of curry, btw :) it really shouldn't take 3 hours, and i still have to clean up the kitchen (big job, as usual). but it tastes great, and will last me another 2 days, i think, even if i have it for lunch AND dinner. (might freeze a bit of it)
huh. at least my doctor understands that much. however both she and the gastroentolist she referrered me to said that i couldn't have a dx unless i went on a normal diet for 3 months, because none of the tests will work otherwise.
this is mad. there HAS to be an alternative. when i've had allergic reactions to drugs, they haven't told me to keep on taking the drug until i can be tested for the allergy. they've ssid: come off the drug immediately , and never take it again.
now that i've found out that gluten can cause permanent brain damage, it's madder still.
(((hugs if you want them)))
Cool. Glad you got that. They better damn well take you seriously.
you should because there is some evidence that celiac disease can lead to blood disorders.
And I've just looked at a jar of peanut butter that i suspect made me sick and that contains palm oil and rapeseed oil
So it looks like palm oil, doesn't it? But, then, I've just read that allergic reactions to Palm oil are really rare , because the refining process removes the protein from the oil :S
So what does that mean? That i'm sensitive to minute traces? (same as with gluten) :(
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