(in chronological order)
Only extremely vague spoilers for anything, unless otherwise stated in the stories themselves. All pairings Janto unless specified.
Once Upon a Time, I loved Jack.
The Uncomfortable Realizations Series (the first stories):
The Uncomfortable Moment in Which Jack Realizes He Has Tasted a Grande Soy Latte From Starbucks, and Others.Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, with a dash of humor
Summary: Jack realizes, after decades upon decades, what his real problem is, and it wasn't what he would have thought. (Companion piece to Ianto's uncomfortable moment.)
The Uncomfortable Moment in Which Ianto Realizes He Does Not Want to Clean a Litter Box, and Others. Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, with a dash of humor
Summary: Ianto has a problem or two himself, and he sure wishes he didn't. (Companion piece to Jack's uncomfortable moment.)
Incomplete (and a touch OOC for Ianto these days), but readable.
Drowning Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, with a touch of romance and adventure
Summary: When Jack calls him to help him secure and artifact, Ianto finds much more than he expected.
Then there came a time that I was MAD at him.
The One Who Doesn't Actually ExistRating: PG-13 - R (language)
Genre: angst (though nothing too dark)
Pairing: Ianto/Jack, Jack/Gwen
Summary: Ianto is free to be himself and only himself.
Notes: Blame the angst on Jack for being a total prat about Gwen and, in a round-about way, the bitches at my tennis drills.
The Silence In That PlaceRating: NC-17
Genre: angst
Summary: Gratuitous sexin'.
Notes: 'Tis smutty and hot, but not happy. Inspired by that one conversation in "Reset."
So, I Forced Myself To Get Over It.
When Accessories Do Not Make the ManRating: G
Genre: fluff (but nothing gaggy)
Summary: Jack likes Ianto. You know, likes him, likes him.
And It Worked.
What Happens In a Hundred Lifetimes, Part I: Michael (4 parts in total)
Rating: R (overall, primarily for language)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Jack/5 OC
Genre: Well, a little angsty, actually. But, if you can believe it, it's angsty Jack, not Ianto.
Summary: Ianto reminds Jack of someone else he knew, a long time ago.
Notes: Four-part story (complete). Follow the links at the bottom of each part. Approx. 12,000 words.
The Truth I Chose for YouRating: R
Genre: Romance
Summary: "When he kisses Ianto for the first time, Jack knows he's been lied to."
The Dreams of Captain J. HarknessRating: G
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: When Jack sleeps, he dreams.
Notes: Yes, Jack sleeps.