chrysalis One entry found for chrysalis. Main Entry: chrys·a·lis Pronunciation: 'kri-s&-l&s Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural chry·sal·i·des /kri-'sa-l&-"dEz/; or chrys·a·lis·es Etymology: Latin chrysallid-, chrysallis gold-colored pupa of butterflies, from Greek, from chrysos gold, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew hArus gold 1 : a pupa of a butterfly; broadly : an insect pupa 2 : a protecting covering : a sheltered state or stage of being or growth
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One entry found for chrysalis.
Main Entry: chrys·a·lis
Pronunciation: 'kri-s&-l&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural chry·sal·i·des /kri-'sa-l&-"dEz/; or chrys·a·lis·es
Etymology: Latin chrysallid-, chrysallis gold-colored pupa of butterflies, from Greek, from chrysos gold, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew hArus gold
1 : a pupa of a butterfly; broadly : an insect pupa
2 : a protecting covering : a sheltered state or stage of being or growth
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