Title: for what it’s worth
jadeddivaSummary: Edward was intent on making sure I experienced everything a human being possibly could, up to and including stuffing myself full of good old American cuisine. Bella and her human experiences on the Fourth of July. Post-Eclipse.
Rating: PG-13 for non-explicit making out
Warnings: Here be some making out
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Comments 40
Unfortunately for us, that also means your cockblocking is that much more brutal than hers. DAMN YOU EMMETT AND ALICE. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. *shakes fist* lol.
I think it's perfect...and have you really never written first person past tense? Seriously? Well damn, I couldn't tell. Everyone is perfectly in character...OK I take it back, you make Bella more tolerable ;) Which is why you win at life. I love gentleman!Edward, with his knocking and hesitation and shielding shirtless Bella from view.
Yes. Definitely plenty of ~fireworks~ in this fic.
Thank you. I'm very glad you liked it - I was scared as all hell because I tend to write third person but I just had to do this first and it took SO MUCH EFFORT not to have a "It isn't even fucking raining!" comment in there. SO MUCH.
I'm glad Bella was tolerable - she was actually fun to write, which I wasn't expecting, especially since lusting after Edward Cullen is, well, fun.
So thank you for reading and I have possibly decided that maybe NYC might be a good place to see Twilight THE MOVIE...
Haha! I was thinking about that while reading it! :P
I find lusting after Edward Cullen comes quite naturally. It IS fun! It's become a nice pastime of mine.
I have possibly decided that maybe NYC might be a good place to see Twilight THE MOVIE...
I APPROVE OF THIS PLAN 100000000000%.
Oooh I wonder if they will have the premiere here...ooooh
Unfortunately for us, that also means your cockblocking is that much more brutal than hers.
Anyway, excuse my Stephenie rant... this was super great. They both stayed in character -- unfortunately for Edward and his total gentlemanly side ;D -- and it was fun to read. Now, pardon me while I read it once more. xD Gorgeous job, dearie!
I'm glad you enjoyed the story :) Thanks for reading!
I think the pov and voice were just lovely, you did an excellent job with both. (Love gentleman!Edward with the door knocking!) Even the characters with smaller parts (Charlie, Alice, Emm) were spot on! I can't make a single suggestion other than that we want porn. Porn! Tons of it.
I can really see this as a canon moment and I read it with a disgusting huge smile on my face. Brilliant job, dahling!
Glad you liked it, and that it seemed canon :)
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