I'm in denial!!

Jun 21, 2015 11:03

Hello fellow Senpai-fans!

I refuse to believe that this fandom is dead! I know it isn't because I see posts and updates in communities, I still meet people here, randomly saying V6 has awesome dancing skills or I love Kimura's doramas or TOKIO are so cool or Did you see Koichi's new PV?

However, what is somewhat sleeping right now, are the senpai fanfiction communities, which is pretty sad if you ask me.

So here I am, trying to wake it all up a bit (and wondering if it'll work...)

I've been thinking about organizing an exchange - I think the last Senpai exchange happened 4 years ago!
So, what do you think?
I want to know if some of you are ready to participate - may it be as writers, beta-readers, pinch-hitters or readers! :-)

I would love to see this fandom active again!
What about you?

I decided to go with it and see how it'll work out. Hence I opened the sign-ups.
Please follow the links if you'd like to sign-up and participate :-)

credits for layout and banner to:

*mod post

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