Title: Pink Squirrel (Arrival)
Unit for Points: Veteran
Word Count: 100
Characters: YamaRyo, Goseki, Kawai, Tsuka-chan, Taisuke
Notes: Written in the same verse as
here. Originally a stupid seaturtle and a bratty snake were supposed to show up, but
this just sort of called to me and YamaRyo the squirrel was born. He's kind of
Hammy-like already. x:
“Your damn cat keeps on bringing in rodents!” Kawai held up the latest acquirement up by its tail.
“...Well, he's never brought anything like that home before.” Goseki leaned forward with interest. At his feet, Taiskitty purred, rather proud.
Flailing around and chattering with indignation, the bright pink squirrel swung from Kawai's fingers.
Tsukada joined them, “It's kinda sparkly, ne?” He gently plucked the small creature from Kawai's hold. “It's really cute too...”
Kawai gagged. “You want to keep it?
“What?” Tsukada glanced down at the small ball of twitching fur. “It's adorable...”
Title: Pink Squirrel (Attachment)
Unit for Points: Veteran
Word Count: 100
Characters: YamaRyo, Goseki, Tsuka-chan, Yara
My excuse for writing this all. Also, as
omoikkiri has brought up, 'Yarara' means 'snake' in Tupi...or something like that.
“Gocchi, Yarara keeps on trying to eat Ryo-chan!” Tsukada quickly scooped up their newest family member, a (strangely) pink squirrel that he'd named Ryouta, rescuing him from imminent danger. He wasn't liking the way that the small grey snake had been circling the hyperactive rodent.
“Hey,” Goseki looked up from his book, frowning. “Don't blame Yaracchi, that squirrel's been chasing him around since I took him out of his tank.”
As if to prove Goseki's point, Ryouta took a leap off of Tsukada's shoulders, happily landing next to the snake again, cheerfully chattering a mile a minute.
Title: Pink Squirrel (Declaration)
Unit for Points: Veteran
Word Count: 100
Characters: YamaRyo, Yara
Notes: Here, have a fail!spy related drabble.
“You're a terrible sssstalker~,” hissed Yarara (Yaracchi as Ryouta insisted on calling him, after hearing Goseki use it on the small snake.)
“I was doing fine!” The small (and still strangely pink) squirrel huffed. “It's not my fault you can twist around chair legs like that. That's not fair!”
“I'm a ssssnake...It's what we do.”
“But I wanna do it too!” Ryouta exclaimed, his tail bushing up in determination.
Yarara watched as Ryouta spent the next five minutes try to bend around a chair leg. The thrashing around made it worthwhile, he told himself in amusement.