Feb 02, 2007 23:11
To calculate the McSomebody vowel-to-consonant ratio for a word:
1. Count the number of vowels (v).
2. Count the number of consonants (c).
3. If v/c<1, it's not defined.
4. If v/c>1, the McSomebody something is (v/c)*total no. letters.
So for example, "area" gives you 12.
JP (bellringing PGCE-er) says one of his year 9s got 20. Any ideas?
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Comments 11
Do you not remember what the Somebody in McSomebody is, or is this to make it harder by removing the option of Googling? :P
20 suggests to me a five letter word with four vowels/one consonant. Probably "(v)(c)eau" or "(v)(v)(c)(v)(v)" :)
(The other possible factors of twenty would have fractional vowels or more vowels that letters -- does Æsop have three vowels, two consonants, and four letters? :))
Let me think.
Rousseauian = = 19.25
Ouagadougou = 291/3
AIEEE Aarau Aeaea Aegia Aenea Aequi Aeria Aguie Ailee Ailie Aimee Aoede Aoide Aoife Aotea Araua Arioi Audie Aueto Augie Aulea Aurea Auria Aurie Baiae Douai Eadie Eleia Eolia Eulau Eulee Iaria Idaea Inoue Ionia Iorio Kauai Keaau Louie OCIAA Oakie Ocoee Oueta Ouida Ouija Piaui Puiia Raiae Uaupe Umaua Uriia aalii abaue aceae adieu aecia aemia aequi aequo aerie aevia ailee ailie aimee ainee ainoi aioli ajaia aloia anoia aodai aoife aotea aouad aquae araua areae arioi audia audio aueto aulae auloi aurae aurea aurei auria avoue bouie cooee cooie daiei douai eadie eerie eirie eisai eolia eozoa euois gioia heeia heiau heuau hoooo iaido iiasa iliau inoue ionia iorio iosue kauai kioea lauia lieue looie louie miaou muoio ocoee oeien oidia oorie oozoa ouabe ouida ouija oukia ourie ousia queau queue raiae uaupe umaua uraei vieau zoaea zoeae zooeaNow I feel really stupid. Audio. Queue. Adieu. All score 20. Or did I miss something ( ... )
Pleased to see it on the net.
And if you happen to be Mr G J McCoyd, thank you even more. I'm sorry for forgetting your name.
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