I love finding new promising writers, theres a new KameDa writer which sent me over the moon!! Her writing style is really nice and flows well. I'm really looking forward to her future fics.
(Anon from earlier) I've always loved KameDa and it's kinda sad to see that there aren't that many writers for them. So I'm always happy when more pop up.
Is there any way to get concrit? It seems to me this fandom is incredibly bad at giving constructive criticism (always has been, even when LJ was more active). Even asking flat out isn't helping much. Has anyone any suggestions what to do if I'd like some help? I don't even mean how to find a good beta (though I'd love that too). English is my second language and well, I've been figuring it out on my own, but my progress could have been so much faster if someone, anyone had pointed out some of the things I did wrong.
I'm not a writer, but a reader and I also realized that most people don't really give concrit. I wonder if they're just afraid that the author will feel hurt or something? Or they don't know how to give concrit without sounding rude? I really don't know. :/ Because I find it pretty important to give concrit and I'd feel stupid just going all "OMG I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!" when there were parts that need improvement. >.< Maybe try encouraging your readers by stating you'd look forward to concrit? Or enable anon comments if they maybe rather want to post their concrit anonymously? That's all I can think about for now, sorry. D:
I've had anon comments enabled from the beginning and my profile actually states that I'd love concrit. The handful of times someone actually did correct something I said thank you very nicely.
Perhaps state that you'd appreciate concrit in your A/N or at the end of the fic? If you state it in your profile, chances are some commenters aren't seeing it. I think the few people out there (like me :D) that enjoy giving concrit are nervous to do so unless it's asked for in case it seems they're just being rude. Though I must say I'd worry about damaging someone's confidence if I picked out every little thing that could be corrected and left it in a publicly viewable comment, even if asked for.
Can you recommend any websites to post my fic, or any place to make my own site to host my fic? I don't want to use wordpress, since I'd prefer a system where I can actually reply to commenters and start up conversations. I'm already posting to AO3, but JE fandom on there isn't particularly active, except ARASHI.
Who was it that got busted for plagiarism in Arashi fandom a few months ago? I swear this girl who just posted a story to rainbowfilling ripped it off of a better one.
I am suffering from the problem of having written my best fic ever, and now I feel nothing else I write compares to it D: it was the first I posted after a long-ish break from fandom so I feel it's the standard anyone that hadn't read things from me previously will hold me to (and for once I actually got a lot of really nice comments), but it was months ago...and everything I've written since has just been 'why don't you flow as well as that one/have such fitting language as that one/such perfect pacing as that one??'. Does anyone else ever have this? I feel like rather than improving with time I've reached my peak and it's downhill from here D:
Write something completely different? Drabbles, for example. Or writing experiments. Different groups. Chaptered/not chaptered. Kink bingo. A genre you don't usually write.
i agree with the anon above! try something different and i'm sure you'll find something. even changing tenses would help you think of how your storyline will develop!
I can feel you anon. While comments are really nice and I absolutely love getting them, sometimes they tend to make you expect more from yourself. And I agree with the two previous anons as well. Write something different. I had this problem before and for a while I was worried that nothing I write afterwards would ever be as good, so I tried challenging a different genre, or a totally different take on something that seems ordinary and cliched.
'Coz really, when it all comes down to it, that's what writing is all about. It's constantly challenging yourself to just write, write and write some more. Maybe your next fics won't be just as good, but think of it as a progression for your next best(est) piece.
Comments 359
For some reason, Kameda has been getting good fic lately, comparatively to most other K-T pairs. My quiet little shipper heart is very happy about it.
Maybe try encouraging your readers by stating you'd look forward to concrit? Or enable anon comments if they maybe rather want to post their concrit anonymously? That's all I can think about for now, sorry. D:
Which pairing(s) are you writing, btw? #curious
Mostly ebi/kisumai/juniors, various pairings.
Does anyone else ever have this? I feel like rather than improving with time I've reached my peak and it's downhill from here D:
'Coz really, when it all comes down to it, that's what writing is all about. It's constantly challenging yourself to just write, write and write some more. Maybe your next fics won't be just as good, but think of it as a progression for your next best(est) piece.
Ganbare ne, anon-san!
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