Hello. We're in an internet café, so I thought I'd update. Got a camera for xmas, so I took some pics ^_^ (as you do) Hope everyone had a good Christmas. I shall be back tomorrow sometime.
Hello, Finally got round to developing my Barcelona Picture. Although the hype is over, here they are for your viewing pleasure: ( Barcelona Pictures )
I was watching Firefly again. I love that show... everytime I watch it again there's something new that I'd forgotten, or some witty phrase I'd missed from the last time... or re-remembered. Anywho, watched a few episodes today, and tried to remember some cool quotes, failed, and then found them on a website. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:
Everyone must watch Max Magic on Sky One on Sunday 28th May at 12 noon ^_^ (and then continue to watch....) It is a rockin show. >> Official Site - [Watch clips in the flash site under "Appearances" ^_^] >> Review