Title: I Love You But You Are Just a Memory
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Characters/Pairing: George/Winona Kirk
Summary: Winona remembers her life with George.
Author's Note: Written on a whim for the
Star Trek Reboot Drabble Challenge. I wish they'd gotten more screentime, because they are too cute.
She remembers when they were happy, when the universe was at their fingertips, just begging to be explored.
She remembers how much he loved Starfleet, and the excitement in his eyes after he stepped onto the USS Kelvin for the very first time.
She remembers being 19, 20, 21, and feeling invincible with her husband at her side.
She remembers his face, and the joy it shone when she told him she was pregnant.
She remembers his mouth, his lips, crashing onto hers.
His hands, and the way they caressed her, like she was the most important thing in the universe to him (because she was).
She remembers his voice as he says "I love you".
She remembers it because he is saying it right now, for the very last time, with joy and grief and passion as Jim cries quietly in her arms.
And then the Kelvin explodes, and he is just a memory.