Back the day, it was a mark of great achievement if one was able to hack into AOL Instant Messenger and change the "buddy icon" into something different from whatever the default was. I think that these icons typically resembled other buttons in the Windows 98 environment (although, being on Mac then and now, I wouldn't know
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Comments 3
I'm also mind-blown about the perfect blending of 1998 technology with a 2017 movie reference written about on a 2001 social media platform. I don't even know what to do about it.
Here's how much of a geek & data hoarder I am:
overand@zombie /home/overand % locate -i poke|grep -iE 'gif|bmp|png|jpg'
So, I present:
( ... )
And neat to see the history that can be inferred from the structure. You once had everything on a 40GB drive. Then transferred it to a 120GB drive, followed by a 200GB drive, and chances are all of that is sitting a significantly larger (2TB ?) external drive. Did I get it right?
I too have older drives that have been transferred to other drives, etc. although unfortunately, there are only partial copies of things in different places and I have never taken the time to just put them all in one place and archive things properly.
Does your poke buddy icon predate facebook? Or was it a response to it?
Either way, it's great!
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