Master Post: The Losers

Jul 13, 2000 06:23

Artwork by the lovely rubygirl , who *knows* how to kick a writer in the butt when she needs it!

Title: Sing Me No Hymns
Rating: R
Genre: Written for hc_bingo for prompt "Nervous Breakdown"
A/N: Comic 'verse, with some details gracelessly shoved in from the movie. Set after the events of "The Pass" storyline.

Sing Me No Hymns

Title: You Are Not Alone
Rating: PG
Genre: Written for hc_bingo for prompt "Nightmares"
A/N: Comic 'verse, with some details gracelessly shoved in from the movie. Set after the events of "The Anti Heist" storyline.

You Are Not Alone

Title: Naked in Front of the Computer
Rating: NC-17
A/N: Written for the DVD Release Comment Fic Party over on losers_fic , for aidanirl 's prompt, "Jensen teaching Cougar "how to handle an email and get around Internet."

Naked in Front of the Computer

Title: Not Going To Bed
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for hc_bingo , for prompt "asphyxiation." This started off fairly melodramatic, but then the itunes shuffled me over to Andrew W.K., and I'm pretty sure he's the ANTIANGST.

Not Going to Bed

Title: Flying Blind
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Ficlet written for hc_bingo  for prompt "fear of flying, and... Yeah, so, as I've noticed...I seem to be developing a thing for putting these boys in boxes. I PROMISE THIS WILL BE THE LAST ONE FOR A WHILE

Flying Blind

Title: Next in Line
Rating: PG-13
Summary: for hc_bingo  prompt: cuddling for warmth/ snowed in.

Next in Line

Title: Famous Last Words  
Rating: R
Summary:  Cougar was bleeding all over the bomb in his lap, the last time Jensen saw him. But that was then.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Epilogue

the losers, jensen/cougar

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