my mom came to town. it was cool she got to meet all my kids. we had fun. the girls drove us crazy we really didn't get out and do much but it was nice to see her
Little Aleena Bailey was born 01-09-06 at 12:30 pm ... She had a head full of hair..She was 7lb. 10 oz. 21in. We both are doing great. Will tell more later.
Well new in my life...I do not have a job anymore. I bored as hell.... But must of all I lost two friends of mine. One I knew but not that well, the other Austin was a really good friend. He worked next door to me. I saw him everyday. He was the sweetest kid I've ever met. They will both be missed...
I've left my husband and I am moving out.. So I will not b e online much.. but you can leave a message on my cell...I lost it, but can still check my v-mail. it's 904-333-6225.............I'm free, free at last, free at last.....
Well I got the news today, that I have to be in Utah on July 9th. I really do not want to fly, or take the bus. I would really like to drive. But I do not want to ride by myself. So now I got to find someone that can ride with me. This really sucks.
work really sucked I got so sick... I moved everything around in that store. I think the store whooped my ass. My poor legs about gave out on me. So I asked Pat to stay and work for me. I may have to work his friday, but I didn't have to work today, so yah. I'm so sleepy I wish I could just go to ed and not get up. Well I guess I'm gonna go play!
How come I'm the only one in my class that did not get a report on my grades, (report card)... I guess they forgot about me. Them good grades got them all messed up...LOL Anywho... School was ok... I got a 92 on my test..YAh.