I am mostly using Facebook now to keep in touch with everyone. I have a hard time making time and effort to be more than one place, lol. If you have an account and we're not friends yet, look me up! I posted lost of new pics today, including my ring and us as an engaged couple :D Ugh, I forget how to code links! lolLeave a comment
If there is one person or more on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.
Christmas sucked, New Year's sucked, let's not get into that, shall we? (Although, on the gift front, I got a very pretty promise ring from Justin, a 5 gallon aquarium, and my mom got us a PS3. Woo
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So, my old computer finally went to the big motherboard in the sky. It kept crashing every time I did anything, and then it would take forever to reboot successfully. It got to where I couldn't even check my e-mail. So yeah... Behold, Jen's D3 Machine! The wide screen monitor has taken some getting used to, but it's so awesome. I'm fast, have tons
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Wow. I haven't posted in forever. No real reason, just mostly didn't have time to sit down and do this, then when I did I didn't feel like it. Oh well... Going to cut here since this is bound to be huge. 0_o ( Read more... )