I've been eating good for the last two days. I've officially had the best 2 meals of my life, for real. I love food.
On saturday I am probably making a whole whack of fresh pasta (if I don't get sidetracked).
If you would like some just let me know before then.
I might make chocolate pasta....maybe.
Americans are not all bad.
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Nov 08, 2004 20:41
Well, Dr. Johnson, if your academics are as keen as your looks then good old grandma ma is in good hands. What is “perfect health” anyways? Don’t worry; grandma will be playing lawn darts, by the creek, with you by next spring. Oh Bernie, I think you need a peppermint.
Nov 08, 2004 00:08
Dear Jen,
Sometimes, just sometimes, when you remove the jewelry from a hole in your body you can’t simply decide to put it back in a few months later.
Your Nose.
Dear Nose,
I sure showed you.
Nov 07, 2004 20:16
I’ve had enough talk about absorbance and transmittance and the correlation between the two for one day. I know for a fact that absorption increases two fold relative to the doubling effect of concentration. See mom, sometimes I do pay attention in class and one day I will find the cure. That is why I own a lab coat and they call me Science.
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