Okay, since I dont think I get the game today and its not like I have anything else to do right now I think I can just post another entry and bore you a bit with some Final-Fantasy XI talk.
If you are not in to fantasy and computer games you should better stop reading right now ;) )
Comments 3
Among the reasons were: "Other Players Give you Goodies" It is an interesting article (though long and very numbers based)
Lj-cut: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=75
Anyway, you're certainly not the first male to play as a Mithra. Just watch out for the prejudice: 'You're a guy playing a female character, YOU PERVERT.' XD
By your description I'd say you would indeed be best as a Mithra. High agility, but also intelligent. I'm an Elvaan warrior, so far. I really prefer melee types. As for a starting job.. the first 10 levels or so go pretty fast, so you can switch early on if a particular job doesn't suit you after all. So start out with whatever you like! ^^
Good resource on FFXI: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com
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