HELLO WORLD!! I need votes- and no, I'm not a politician, I'm an actress! I've entered into the Mad Men casting call contest and could win a walk on role on the show! 2 clicks- thats all it takes!!!!!!!
Its a weird feeling when you realize how human you are. That you're going through the same exact thing that so many others have gone through. Its times like these when I find listening to music helps me. It makes my situation less dire, but at the same time amplified so I can get all the tears or laughs or pain out of my system. Songs that I listen
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UGGGGGHHH! Im trying to get my theatre history paper and a damn english paper done by friday...by sunday I've got a film paper due, but that is taking the back burner right now as Barbara Carr doesn't know what the hell is going on anyways. O muse, inspire me to make these two papers more than the glob of suckiness they are right now
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Man, I have not updated in A WHILE!! So whats going on with me? Well, Summer I just ended and my one course that I was taking was amazing...History of the Cinema was a joy to go to! And in the next summer session comes History (we'll see) and Film Comedies (Can't Wait!). I'll just be glad to be in another Ramsey class because I'm so disappointed
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