So, I tried to fill out the bio thing on this site and hit a major roadblock as I couldn't think of a single thing to say. After worrying for a couple of seconds that I appear to have absolutely no personality, I stumbled across the idea of posting one of those quiz thingies that I'm hoping will kind of negate the need for a bio. Therefore, please
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Comments 22
It's so refreshing to read your stories from an Aussie perspective because I'm from Australia too! Sydney to be exact. Oh, and I love love love Liverpool fc!!! Was so excited when I read that you were a fan too! Shame they didn't win this year. They were so close.
You're right about the heaters. It's getting ridiculously cold now, and it's not even winter yet!!! I'm gonna dread the next few weeks!
So I'd like to be a friend of yours on LJ, coz I only joined to finish reading other works by authors who've been plagiarized (am relieved that you're still posting on FP!)
My fp name is meigerrard (you know after who! Haha). He's a big hero of mine!
Anyway, have a nce weekend!
Oh my God, and 'shame' doesn't even cover how annoyed I was that Liverpool missed out on the premiership this year. I was staying with a Man U supporter in the UK and it was slightly tense! I love your FP username too, Gerrard is fully my hero too.
Stay warm!
Cheers, Jess
And personally I think the superpower I'd choose would be telekinesis. How convenient would that be if, say, I were freezing on a couch and too lazy to get up and fetch a blanket? Or, maybe, just imagine: you could use it to do your vacuuming done.
I'm impressed by your super power logic as well, but slightly disturbed by the idea of using something so cool for something so awful as vacuuming. Frankly I think I'll keep with being invisible and haunt my housemate into doing it!
And you get up way too early. If I wasn't so horrified, I'd say I'd be in awe :p Did you just get used to getting up that early?
You know that ‘The ants went marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah’ song? Yeah, that’d be me.
That actually cracked me up for some odd reason. I haven't heard that song in a long, long time. Can't decide if I heard it on the telly, or we used to sing it in primary school?
Hope you find more unplugged switches on! P.S. friends? Cheers.
I start work at 8.30 so I need to be up nice and early. Also, I'm rubbish at sleeping in. I try every weekend, but I just don't have it in me. I get bored just lying in bed dozing so I'm usually up bright and early. I get more done before 9 than in the whole rest of the day, I reckon!
I found two unplugged switches on in my boss's office yesterday and surreptiously kicked them off. My life is complete!
Cheers for writing, and of course friends!
An early bird! I wish I could be more like you in that respect - but I'm too much of a lazy bum. I'm guessing it feels GREAT to be able to do so much in the morning, and not feel like you wasted most of your day in bed.
Well it certainly takes only little to please you ;) Does your boss appreciate your hard, hard work :p?
Good luck and have a great day!
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