Jun 28, 2010 10:44
sorry all...friends only it is. i'm getting more private in my old age. comment, however, and i might add you.
Jul 22, 2007 00:25
I heart Harry Potter. Sad to see the series end, but mostly satisfied with the final journey.
Jun 16, 2007 03:09
I hope you had a crappy birthday. and that the weekend sucks. and especially monday. i want monday to be awful for you.
you were supposed to be here right now. this was supposed to be a happy weekend.
fucking worthless cunt of a man. i hope she was worth it.
May 22, 2007 22:40
"The truth about a man lies first and foremost in what he hides." - André Malraux
Dec 10, 2006 00:40
anyone else having issues logging in? because i can only seem to log in right now by posting.
Nov 08, 2006 05:43
i can't believe we're passing that fucking amendment. i want out. of this state, this country. why are you people so fucking full of hate? fuck you. don't be surprised when your best and your brightest leave for more enlightened pastures.
Aug 18, 2006 12:00
So, if you've ever had an interest in working as a travel agent and live in Madison, the STA Travel in the Memorial Union has two positions opening up and now's your chance. They'll probably be hiring quickly, since both of us will be leaving the end of next week, so drop in and leave your resume. Full time only kiddies.