After being on my own for eight years, I am just now starting to get an inkling of what it really means to be a grown up. Funny how a bad economy will force you to realize just how much you can go without.
As far as sports go, Lacrosse is pretty awesome. Especially when the tickets are free and you're there with good friends. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wouldn't mind going again. Go Lumberjax!
I do think it's a little weird that a city with a reputation for its hippies would name its team after the enemy of the tree hugger.
I keep feeling like I should update this but I never know what to say. I don't know if I've become more private or if I'm just lazy. Anyways, I'm just going to fill out a survey I stole from someone on Myspace. At least it's a post.
I've had a hard time writing lately. It sucks. It feels like something really important has been taken away from me. Except for magnetic poetry. That stuff's inspiration in a box. Maybe it's because I write all day but it's stuff like explaining why we returned someone's check or how they actually do have to pay back the Direct Deposit Advance
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They passed a bill in Oregon making it illegal to discriminate against people in employment and housing (unless the group is religious) based on sexual orientation. The governor just has to sign it, and he's already said he would. It doesn't really affect me too much because Wells Fargo already has a very broad diversity program. They even let
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I am no longer a Vegas virgin. Yay! I loved walking up and down the strip and looking at all the cool casinos. We stayed at Hooters, which I was iffy about at first but learned to love. I finally accepted after about $25 that I hate gambling. I would get just as many pretty colors and noises if I lit my wallet on fire and threw it off a high
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