Ya so i got in a wreck today and im pretty luck im not dead or seriously injured cause the whole driver side of my car is like caved in. Call me crazy but i think its a God thing that im ok. Which is pretty awsome cause im glad im not dead, or injured. But the ppl in the other car were ok too and everyone in my car was ok also. Drive safe on
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This is the last night you'll spend alone Look me in the eyes so I know you know I'm everywhere you want me to be The last night you'll spend alone I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go I'm everything You need me to be
If you havent been coming to campus life your missing out, last weeks topic was friends so me Aaron and Daniel got together and made a video of things you and your friends can do
So today i was over at Katies and i checked my myspace and a guy who was the lead singer for a band called Broken Stone said he became a Christian and is leaving his band and wants to start a Christian Hardrock/Alternative band. This is so freakin awsome cause ive been praying for this forver. So hopefully things work out according to Gods will. Im
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So I heard that Steve Irwin died today and i like almost cried. Like seriously. I remember when i was a little kid i would watch his show and my grandma would be like oh my that man is dumb and id be like "Nay Momoo (which is what i call my grandma), he is the shizznit" Not those exact words but ya. Whast really sad is that he had a wife and two
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