Title: Halloween Drabble Pairing: Joomi Rating: G A/N: actually the beginning of a longer fic....i just haven't written the rest yet. lol. i suck. no pun intended ( ...you are going out dressed as a vampire. )
there is suppose to be more to this fic but i never wrote it because i fail. and my life got super busy crazy hectic i can't even... i will attempt to write more soon.
thanks for reading and commenting. it is appreciated. :D
Comments 6
Please write moreeeeeeeeee ♥
i will try to write more soon. when i'm not banging out 50k in 30 days. lol.
I'll be waiting~ I love you <3
I shall wait patiently for the rest (Halloween+joon/doong/mir). I swear I thought no one was going to write last month's theme :/
omo... I hope something along these lines comes in a future
thanks for reading and commenting. it is appreciated. :D
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