Ack! The peer pressure is killing me!

May 27, 2006 13:34

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1) What is rebelreject's favorite movie? I don't think I know this
2) Are metamorphite and rowantree going steady? no
3) Is mortalsimi friends with fictionfiend? No. They missed each other by about 2 years
4) What do you disagree with peristera about? very little
5) What would you do if metamorphite died? fall apart
6) Is geewizkid your best friend? no
7) Does arden_marsupial have a dog? No, but I think he tee-totally should have one.
8) Have you ever dated misstiff? No, but I think it was a near miss. I had a crush. *blush*
9) How would naoumena conquer the world? Fabulously...with derring-do...and quickly
10) What is metamorphite's favorite color? Ooooh, I should know this!
11) What color should rowantree dye their hair? Medium blonde
12) How would quaestiunculae kill misstiff? with a cyborg
13) Which of your friends should metamorphite go out with? none, she has her honey
14) What exotic animal would jetboy78 like as a pet? a pirhana
15) Would tranzutopia and jetboy78 make a good couple? Oh shitfire! I can't even imagine
16) What would mollyreinvented think of piginacage? She'd think he was quite cool
17) If baileyjordan took over the world, who would be happy? EVERYBODY!!!
18) Do you have shentou's screenname? Isn't this obvious?
19) If transethan was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Momma Doom and Pappa Doom
20) How long would dhmcginnis dating 0angeltred0 last? Don't think they'd get together in the first place
21) Where would rebelreject most like to visit? dunno
22) Is transcharlie athletic? I don't think so...?
23) What flavor of jello would rebelreject be? raspberry
24) Would you ever date jetboy78? absolutely
25) Does monalogue27 do drugs? no
26) What is piginacage allergic to? bullshit
27) When did you last call petite_tadpole? I've never called her
28) Is 7can_u_c_me7 a nerd? Yes, because the punk never posts. I see how it is...leave a comment, friend me, and then run away
29) rowantree's hair color? Brown
30) Is misstiff introverted or extroverted? Depends on the day and the people around her
31) If wolfsilveroak had a superpower, what would it be? animal telepathy. Wait...I think she already has that one.
32) Could you see arden_marsupial and monalogue27 together? Prolly not.
33) Would you make out with monalogue27? Didn't that already happen at a cast party?
34) What mental disorder does shentou remind you of? Split personality?
35) If 0angeltred0 and geewizkid were spliced together, what would it be like? Can't even imagine.
36) Have you flirted with sircorbin? No, but I should
37) Is transcharlie related to you? nope
38) What song/movie would you recommend to baileyjordan? "Standing Outside the Fire" - Garth Brooks
39) Does quaestiunculae drink? Rarely, but yes I think
40) Does mollyreinvented know rainingmercy? I don't think so, but this is a small town
41) What is shentou's shoe size? Don't know
42) Is sircorbin popular? I would say yes
43) Would mollyreinvented go out with 7can_u_c_me7? maybe
44) What rank would naoumena have in a giant robot army? Director of Special Ops.
45) One thing you can't stand about ms_lissa? Like I'm gonna fall for that one
46) Is rowantree an emo? no
47) Would you wrestle rowantree in jello? absolutely
48) Does rainingmercy have a crush on transcharlie? I doubt it...having never met
49) Is misstiff in a relationship? No, but she should be. She needs snuggles
50) What video game does misstiff remind you of? I don't know video games
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