Cowboy Bebop
Pretty much anything by Agent Orange is bound to be a hit. These are my favorites.
Sentimental Journey, Agent Orange
Looking back and forth between the television and his dismal reality was about as jarring as comparing a children's choir to The Lord of the Flies. The Cowboy’s Unofficial Guide to the Open Road, Agent Orange
Spike was real fucking drunk. He just stared into the bottom of his glass thinking about his egg rolls. Freaks Flock Together, Agent Orange
Faye glared at him, but it was a sort of lazy, I’m-just-fulfilling-my-quota kind of glare… "He looked a lot like a bookie in this one casino I used to, uh…work." The Ballad of John Doe, Agent Orange
Spike was disappointed to learn he wasn’t dead. Doctor Who
Many notable authors, as would be imagined in a fandom this big. Here's a sampling.
An Element of Blank (ST: DS9 cross), Carmen Sandiego
He's not surprised, just not too happy. The accent's British; the clothes non-descript. "I'm the Doctor, and you people have a few things to learn about manners." His Story, Carmen Sandiego
“And I ain’t got a scythe,” says Death. “But you cheated me last time, let Time get you instead. So be careful, Doctor. You and little red riding hood.” Castaways, Amy Wolf
This seemed to relax his muscles a bit, and they were able to pry something very like a house key out of his hands, but he still didn’t talk. Time, Roses, and the Wolf, Amy Wolf
They've kissed ten times by his count. He doesn't dare kiss her again. A Sort of Man, Kate Andrews
He knows male, feels male, and every time there's the tiniest bubble of maybe this time I'll have tits and won't that be interesting. Pamplona Not Barcelona, Kate Andrews
Earlier today, two years from now, the Doctor drank Ernest Hemingway under the table. De Natura Deorum, nostalgia
Rose knows lots of stories, but she doesn't know the ones that would give her answers. May 6th, 2006, nostalgia (ficlet)
And sometimes you just catch hubris. Military Intelligence (Stargate cross), nostalgia
Last week there was a minor incident in which the planet almost blew up, and the week before that there was an invasion attempt. So, overall, Alistair found this new assignment invigorating, and a lot less monotonous than digging up the garden again. One Horrid Thing That Never Happened To The Doctor, nostalgia
The Doctor looked. More or less. Why had he even let this woman in the TARDIS anyway? He wasn't that desperate for company. Was he? The Inaccurate Conception, nostalgia
"Please enjoy your stay and your attempts to repopulate your species." Heroes
Apocalypse, SLynn
Three years have passed since the explosion and life has drastically changed for everyone. This isn’t the world they imagined they’d be saving. Resurrection, SLynn (sequel to Apocalypse)
It wasn’t their destiny to stop an explosion. It was their destiny to stop him. Interrogation (Torchwood cross), fajrdrako (ficlet)
The ears, the voice, the attitude, all made his heart weep. Conductor (or: Five People Claude Never Bagged), acaciaonnastik
It wasn't the first one, it was just the first one the company had found out about. Samurai Champloo
Rodriquez, Agent Orange
When he took into account the Return on Investment and the amount of fights he could orchestrate in their time here in Edo, he decided that, "If you give him to me, I will not punch you in the mouth.” Supernatural
I only recently hopped into this fandom, so I haven't built up much of a fic base yet.
Ripping Out All Our Epilogues, maharetr
"We can hide her, Dean," Sam says, like it's meant to be reassuring. "They'll never find her." Teen Titans
These Black Eyes, Post
270 friggin’ chapters. Over 2 million words. The fight scenes get a bit wordy, but the universe in incredibly rich. For shits and giggles, I started tagging my old entries, starting with the first one (onoez, avert thine eyes!) And then I realized it's a real bitch.