I admire you for taking a stand. Today's society is very openminded, which at least in my opinion, could be one of the reasons why christianity sounds so terrible to so many people. The general thing today, is "What is right for me is right for me and what is right for you is right for you", and so it runs into conflict with christianity, because christians beleive that there is only one way. That's a very difficult concept for many people to be openminded about, even if they are openminded about other things because it seems to oppose them so much. It's hard to be openminded about something that isn't
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"i can promise you it isnt. and i dont think i've ever flaunted. did i ever ONCE come into the umrc and distance myself from you because you were "evil"? did i ever ONCE bring my bible in and start trying to convert you? now i go and take a cuple of secconds to try and gently explain what i believe, and you take it as flaunting? i talked about LOVE. my only intention was GOOD! i didnt say "YOUR EVIL!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL! I AM SOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU! LOOK AT ME!! WOO HOO!!!" if i did, tell me where. because that would be flaunting
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Hi I would like to put in a few comments in reply to what squeefish had to say. I am Krysta’s brother and I am a christian. I came up with that decision by myself, just as much as anyone else made their own decisions in their own minds
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Muslims in the middle east will kill christians on site Uh... have you forgotten the crusades? You kids seem to be big on your historical evidence, so just don't forget that. Oh, and George Bush kept referring to his war in the middle east as a "Crusade". Old wounds were torn open for oil.
It is not forcing your beliefs on someone when someone says something. If that was the case than good ‘ol El Bastard here should be thrown in jail for what he wrote to my sister. This guy completely bashes christianity with pointless blabbering thoughts without any grounding other than his feelings, so I’m not even going to comment on what he says.
Well, actually you *did* comment on what they said. And if you read it again, you'll see it wasn't Christianity, but the actions of particular christians that they was talking about.
what about those who die? well, thats sad to me too. Grant smart (K.E.C teach that died in the head on collision earlier this year) went to my church and was good frineds with my bro and his friends. when he died i was so sad. it made no sence. he was young, he should've lived. God had huge plans for him. but God still gives us free will. God gave the other driver that free will weather to switch lanes or not. if God would've saved Grant, then he wouldn't have given the other guy free will. what about cancer?? there are diseases in a fallen world. in those cases, i dont think God will let someone die unless he has a plan for that situation. we are no better or superior to someone who's family member, DIDNT get the answer they wanted. God still answers, but he answered "no" to some people and "yes" to others. to others still, he'll answer "wait" all these are still answeres. but we need to just trust God sometimes to give us the faith and the strength to survive some of his answers. maybe the cancer is an unfortunate consequence of
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What makes it a miracle then? What's the point of praying or saying "god answered our prayers it's a miracle" when other people pray just as hard and it DOESN'T happen? How come having amazing things happen to you or feeling very spiritual and amazed at the world proves the CHRISTIAN god
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i'm prettymuch done arguing over this because i can see we arent going to reach an agreement. all i'm going to say is that i really love you tina. i love you and everything i say is out of love, and not pride. the old testament is old law. they had to make sacrifices for their own sins. but jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice to die for all sins. Hebrews 10:10 "And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." (new testament) jesus was like the lamb that the old testament people would sacrifice to ask God to forgive their sins. he was the ultimate sacrifice. so that is a huge difference. we dont do sacrifices for our sins, we ask for Jesus to be our sacrifice (hence easter and good friday). and as for food (jews dont eat certain meats) the new testament says that that law is abolished too. Romans 14:20 "Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble" all food is clean... and
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I could start to listen to your arguments if you could bother to capitalize your "I"s, your "God" (since you are talking about your single, "God" right? Not one of many other "gods"), oh, and your "Truth".
... and why did you assume el_bastard is a dude? Maybe they are, and maybe they're not... but how do you know what gender they are?
its funny because i have more fact to back up what i belive than you could give me, against it...
Show me. And try to spell everything correctly for once. Do you know how to quote things properly? So far you've just spouted your own opinion to us. So that's what we'll bring back.
Look at it this way - EVERYONE NEEDS LOVE, everyone needs to feel apart of something, to be near to someone. We are by nature a species that needs the company and love of its fellow species. And because of this love that we share for eachother, we tend to protect our fellow people from harm. A guy doesn't tell his best friend to jump from a cliff if he loves him. He also won't sit idly on the side and watch his friend get shot if he knows he can do something. Same thing goes with this present situation. "Friends don't let friends go to hell
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so far, i havent seen a single fact from ANYONE opposing me... and so far, no one has really read what i have been writing. punk rock girl, to be completely honest, your spouting air at me. its doing nothing. you basically have nothing to say, so you've resorted to insulting my spelling. your only insulting yourself by doing that. anyone that knows me, knows i have terrrrrrribleee spleling and its never been an issue. stop wasting your time.
tina, i'd totally love to explain the noah's ark thing, dinosaurs, and why the creation works. i believe in evolution, if large cat, to domestic cat is evolution. but i'll explain to you in an e-mail why monkey to human doesnt work. and there is zero evidence in favor of evolution. only theory, no bones. the ones they THOUGHT were real were fake. darwin admited it was only a theory. no proof.
Wasn't insulting you, deary. You seem very set in "saving" us, and it's difficult to take you even a little serious if you can't even use the correct "your/you're".
Comments 18
Uh... have you forgotten the crusades? You kids seem to be big on your historical evidence, so just don't forget that. Oh, and George Bush kept referring to his war in the middle east as a "Crusade". Old wounds were torn open for oil.
It is not forcing your beliefs on someone when someone says something. If that was the case than good ‘ol El Bastard here should be thrown in jail for what he wrote to my sister. This guy completely bashes christianity with pointless blabbering thoughts without any grounding other than his feelings, so I’m not even going to comment on what he says.
Well, actually you *did* comment on what they said. And if you read it again, you'll see it wasn't Christianity, but the actions of particular christians that they was talking about.
...how do you know El B is a male?
- CC
... and why did you assume el_bastard is a dude? Maybe they are, and maybe they're not... but how do you know what gender they are?
its funny because i have more fact to back up what i belive than you could give me, against it...
Show me. And try to spell everything correctly for once. Do you know how to quote things properly? So far you've just spouted your own opinion to us. So that's what we'll bring back.
www.m-w.com is a good online dictionary.
- CC
tina, i'd totally love to explain the noah's ark thing, dinosaurs, and why the creation works. i believe in evolution, if large cat, to domestic cat is evolution. but i'll explain to you in an e-mail why monkey to human doesnt work. and there is zero evidence in favor of evolution. only theory, no bones. the ones they THOUGHT were real were fake. darwin admited it was only a theory. no proof.
I hardly see how that's insulting myself.
Good luck in University.
- CC
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