a scratch that makes me skip and possibly trip on the bottle that is calling I wish my tongue were numb so it wouldn't have to explain anything anymore.
just standin there in the shadow of a shakin finger sayin, Did I ever tell you how your masculinity is something of a ship, with her knots tied clean and snug and her sails lithe and crisp so casually does she lean against the wind, like an eyelid lightly closed
Today my breath smells of wolf. Did I eat one in the night? Or has my mouth learned to howl.
They bleed freely, and I sense the heat of the wound. The rawness is obscenely palpable. My back is stiff from crouching, but I will always be prepared for the moment when they blink.
Fucker just a smear on my beast horizon all you bitches are devoid of the word the word people is just a smear to you and you are blind to the beast horizon.
It looks purple in sunlight and looks brown in the darkness and ferocity you are a huckleberry ripened in frost and golden threads hang from you.