May 22, 2011 22:24
Jim and I went to see Sugarland great show
Jan 21, 2009 10:32
Jim took my out to breakfast Ive have not been out to breakfast in a while
Jan 17, 2009 07:47
It is -8
that is all
Dec 19, 2008 17:02
I dropped my camera in the snow while I was taking pics and snow got inside
where the batteries go and I lost the batteries I hope it will be ok. I am letting if dry out now
Dec 18, 2008 16:55
This is more what I'm thankful for tomorrow but I'll post now
I am thankful that tomorrow I have the day off and won't have to deal with driving in the snow
and today I guess I'm thankful for getting another sex in the city dvd at the library
Dec 15, 2008 13:40
I am happy that I didn't have to work cause I feel sick
Dec 13, 2008 18:30
Happy for spending the day with Jim
Dec 10, 2008 20:09
Tagged by [info]ocean7breeze
The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day.
Tag 8 people to do the same.
I just had a nice dinner at my parents house:)
I am tagging whoever wants to do this! :)
Nov 20, 2008 18:46
I have a turkey that I want to donate anyone from my area know where I can donate it on Saturday.
I found a place in Springfield but says you can only donate mon-fri -9-5
Nov 04, 2008 17:21
I hate that it gets dark so early now