In January, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has come out with a new recommendation: every woman, regardless of age, should be offered amniocentesis, a test previously reserved for women of 'advanced maternal age' (over 35) and those who had other indicators of possible fetal abnormality
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Comments 6
Seriously, I am so bloody sick of the whole "she opened her legs, she gets what she deserves" mentality, it's not even funny. I better put Swedish high on my "languages to learn" list.
be sure to pass on the name of the good doctor to your obstetrician so that she knows who to recommend for the future.
That said, this is ridiculous beyond all belief. The 'refuse to do them' crap really really does remind me of the activist pharmacists. The medical establishment - and even your insurance company:) - agree this is a useful procedure;if this doctor can't provide a basic medical service - heck, after a counseling session if they object to it so much, but still - they should not be practicing medicine.
I'm a little less peeved today, but still pretty damn irritated. If you don't want to perform the procedure on everyone who asks, get out of the way and let someone else get in on the market. Geez.
Good luck with getting this done with a different doctor. You will probably get better care there, anyway!
Also, I should point of that "feminist" can be viciously anti-women sometimes. It's all about very abstract (sometimes radical sometimes not) ideas in their heads. And a lot of those women are young, childless, and are taking your cookie-cutter variety women's studies courses that are heavy on the labels and not so heavy on critical thinking. Lots of enthusiasm though! Heheh ;)
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