For all the gamers out there, I agree with everyone that Fallout 3 rocks! I also have been enjoying playing Fable II and I went back and am playing Bard's Tale for the Xbox on the 360 :P Looking forward to playing some of the games coming out. What are you all playing?
So the past 5 months of solid gym going has drastically improved my energy levels, my endurance is pretty much at the fight full night at fp and not need a hard down time except for the usual water breaks.
So, just an update on the fitness since I haven't posted in awhile.
I have lost 45lbs since right before I left for India. I lost 12.5 lbs last month. I have a ton more energy, I am eating better portions and much healthier foods. All of that added to the workout regimen, diet, and diet supplements and the remaining 70lbs to go should go pretty
“The problem with Livejournal is that we all think we are so close, but really, we know nothing about each other. Hence, I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don’t know about you.”
So one week from today is polling for Barony of Atenveldt at Kingdom A&S Collegium. I hope that everyone can make it, must admit I am a little nervous which is natural tho. Anybody that wants to turn out for support is more than welcome.