Chess Four Star Trek XI pre-slash nu!K/S slash p!K/S
This is the rough draft of the first arc. There are two more arcs in progress. They will all eventually become a huge piece of crazy. I'll need a beta.
What started all this? Friend saw Chess Four board at game store and thought: nu!K/S vs p!K/S
Title: Life’s Lyrics Fandom: Unspecified Pairing: Any couple where one has heightened senses (though I was channeling Spike) Prompt: 141 - Cadence Warnings: Antihistamines fuck with my head. Rating: R Word Count: 500
Title: Refining the Media Fandom: Smallville future-fic Pairing: Lex/Clark Prompt: 139 - Bemused Warnings: None Rating: PG Word Count: 1,225 These came first
Title: Opening Dialogue Fandom: Buffy Pairing: Xander/Anya, Spike Prompt: tamingthemuse - 138 - Filch Warnings: The sexual meaning of filch should carry a warning in and of itself. Rating: PG Word Count: 615
Summary: Anya knows what she wants. Spike wants what he knows. And Xander probably wasn’t the best idea at a go-between.