Indecision 08: Jiyu-chan's Electoral Process Part 3!

Mar 22, 2008 14:59

You can only vote for one of the Democrats this time (final round hopefully will be tomorrow unless of a tie between Ringo and John. If in that case, we will have another vote tomorrow. If still no winner, votes from all rounds will be added up and then we shall have a winner)
I'd ask all supporters for Colbert and Suzumiya to vote for John or Ringo this time just to find out nominee.
No cheating by trying to vote anonymously or using secondary accounts.
All comments will be screened.
Please link back to this post.

Eliminated Candidates:
Arnold Schwartzenegger, who got 0% of the Republican vote (Round 1)
Brittney Spears, who got 0% of the vote (Round 2)

Definate Candidates

Stephen Colbert

Haruhi Suzumiya

Democratic Primary (Hopefully Last One ;~;)
John Lennon

Ringo Starr

Link Back~">" border="0">">What? There's still no front runner for the democrats?
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