Dec 07, 2008 12:34
So is the 20th of December too soon to the holidays for a Dr. Sketchy's Session at the Slipper Room? We don't want to play to empty house. Freelancers, artists, and cool sketchy people, will you be in town and willing to give up 3 hours of valuable shopping time on Dec. 20th, 4-7, to drink and draw the lovely Darenzia?
Dec 06, 2008 09:52
December 6, 4-7pm
Dr. Sketchy's presents rockstars Lady J and Nik Sin
in a tribute to KISS.
The Slipper Room
167 Orchard St @ the corner of Stanton
F to Delancy
$10 in advance. $12 at the door
bring your own art supplies
Oct 12, 2008 01:44
This is why any Watchmen movie would be bad.
Because any decent Watchmen movie would open with " An American Moon! (from the Heart's Delight Follies)" and end with Wacko Warner's "50 U.S States And Their Capitals."
Oct 01, 2008 06:01
Apparently some people don't like a blast of goatchesse and garlic in the morning.
Sep 24, 2008 21:12
When you get Katie fucking Couric to break form and show utter contempt and eye-daggers of hate, you have done wrong.