Y or Y not? Alphabet Soup response - Jacob

Aug 24, 2009 23:50

Don't laugh, it's been ages since I wrote anything... :p Written for fignewton's Alphabet Soup challenge for August. My letter was, of course, Y. You can find the rest of the soup on the main anthology page.

Y, or Y Not… By Jmas

Y’know, the thing about hosting an alien symbiote is that everybody expects you to have all the answers.

No, Sam, I’ve never seen that technology before and neither has Selmak.

No Daniel, we’ve never come across that kind of writing.

No, Jack, symbiotes don’t like to yo-yo. No fingers, you see.

Even George seems to take it as read that inheriting Selmak somehow made me guru of the Tau’ri. As a general in the USAF for decades, I know how to bluff with the best of them, but sometimes there’s just nothing there but the fake knowing look.

Sorry guys, don’t know much about anything at the moment, other than the fact I’d really like to get the hell out of here. Pun completely intended.

Don’t know what Sokar was thinking putting his prison here. Not much good to take prisoners if you’re going to bake them by slow degrees.

Oh look, another pun.

Losing it there, Jacob.

Am not.


My old nana always said, either laugh about it or cry. And pops said never cry in public so….

Could be worse, I suppose.

It could?



Could be hotter…

Yeah… guess so. Almost wish…


I did say almost.

Think about something else.



Trying… all I can think about is how hot it is and how much I stink.

Wasn’t going to mention it.

Thanks, buddy.

You’re welcome.

You too.


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