But the cookies! Fine fine. Uh...:( I've lost touch with you. And Ii regret it. I regret losing touch with the entire group. Riane, Catherine, Lisa T and more. Another thing, I don't know if this makes sense but I'm so happy that you're such good friends with Riane. Ii don't know why, but I always smile when I see you two. I remember in Middle school sitting on the concrete in the hall during Nutrition and crying because you were crying and saying that your parent's were getting a divorce. I also remember thinking that I loved your eyes. There, that sentimental enough?
I wish i was able to get to know you better as well. I never had anything against you Jessie, and I have always admired your talent and personality. I have always thought that you're a great person and I was touched when you got me the little book for graduation since we never really had the chance to bond. Muaw Dah'ling!
AWWW! Jessie I must say since we first met in tenth grade I thought you were so incredibly clever and witty, that still hasn't changed and I love you all the more for it, I honestly don't think you understand how much I appreciate your friendship! ciao dahlin'!
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