Title: I'm Sorry Pairing:Yong Hwa/ Seo Hyun Genre: Angst Rating: PG Summary: Being friends with her would be like breaking up all over again. And this time, messier.
oh wow this is so angsty i'm sad after reading it. so i understand why you want Yonghwa to stop writing sad songs ;)
seriously though, this was written very well, i'm impressed. and its not even the feeling im getting from Seohyun nowadays either, but you captured her ability to shift into her onstage/media presence and her real self well. I could feel what Yonghwa and Seohyun were going through. are you perhaps gonna add a part 2 somewhere in the future [hint: it could end happy] ??
At the end, I'm kind of pissed that Yonghwa stayed a coward LOL...come ON man, grow a pair and do something...but oh well, thats life.
next time, it'll be pancakes and cupcakes. just today, that teaser got into me hence this angst. i'll be back to my usual cheesy self after these CNB feels die down. keke thanks for reading and droppin' me some goguma love. :)
OMG, what is this? Why it is so sad! You make me...make me..grim in pain. Oh, I know life sometime are hard but plz don't make them suffer like this. I really can't stand it. Hic. Btw, your story is wonderful, always. I'm just in bad mood with the plot. Fighting Bee!
But I was in a bad mood, too! lol yes, life sometimes is too hard. anyway, thanks for bearing with this story til the end, and I hope your mood's gotten a little better now. Don't take my stories to heart, ok? Thanks for reading! :)
you wrote this so well, its as if its my heart that's getting broken. :( you're story makes me feel like being an idol inlove is very difficult. bu yong just seemed like a total coward here. he could have thought of a lot of ways to keep his relationship with hyun together. so i guess, what hyun did was just right. but can you perhaps make a sequel for this so yong may be able to redeem himself? :P
everyone's asking for a sequel. keke... next time, dancing yong will redeem himself. but probably not a sequel of this. this fic is entirely written on a whim. blame cnb teaser. >.<
OMG..why u write this sad story...I don't want them separate..please... but I like your story..that make my heart broken..I hope u can continue this story..make them together again.thanks
Comments 27
seriously though, this was written very well, i'm impressed. and its not even the feeling im getting from Seohyun nowadays either, but you captured her ability to shift into her onstage/media presence and her real self well. I could feel what Yonghwa and Seohyun were going through. are you perhaps gonna add a part 2 somewhere in the future [hint: it could end happy] ??
At the end, I'm kind of pissed that Yonghwa stayed a coward LOL...come ON man, grow a pair and do something...but oh well, thats life.
thanks for this story~
both yong and hyun need to honest bout their feelings to each other rather than keep it themselves =((
well writen story from you ^^ write more unnie..more happy ending keke
thanks for this story ^__^
you're story makes me feel like being an idol inlove is very difficult. bu yong just seemed like a total coward here. he could have thought of a lot of ways to keep his relationship with hyun together.
so i guess, what hyun did was just right.
but can you perhaps make a sequel for this so yong may be able to redeem himself? :P
thank you for writing this. :)
thanks for reading! :)
but I like your story..that make my heart broken..I hope u can continue this story..make them together again.thanks
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