Title: Cheese Fondue Pairing:Yong Hwa/ Seo Hyun Genre: Romance, cheese and other stuff Rating: PG Summary: You chose to be happy. And being happy doesn't have to be complicated.
Title: I'm Sorry Pairing:Yong Hwa/ Seo Hyun Genre: Angst Rating: PG Summary: Being friends with her would be like breaking up all over again. And this time, messier.
Title: The Morning After Pairing:Yong Hwa/ Seo Hyun Genre: Romance Rating: PG - 13 Summary: ♫ Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining. ♫
Title: Of Love and Dandelions Pairing:Yong Hwa/ Seo Hyun Genre: Angst, Romance Rating: PG - 13 Summary: “You only fix things that are broken, Yong,” she said, her eyes never leaving his. “We never were broken.”