Title: The Morning After Pairing:Yong Hwa/ Seo Hyun Genre: Romance Rating: PG - 13 Summary: ♫ Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining. ♫
*Smile widely* I'm definitely love you,Bee!(can i call that ^^) WOW, I've been happy from yesterday. Now, read this story it double my feeling. ^^ It's peaceful love story between Yong and Huyn. It describe the MBC Gayo event so perfectly. I think that it's not a fic anymore, it's real. keke Ahh, I wanna have a boyfriend like Yong, a real man with real emotion like you said. ^^ Hwaiting my author-nim. Ps: I'd to follow to on Twitter. Could you give me your username? Thank in advance!
Comments 14
WOW, I've been happy from yesterday. Now, read this story it double my feeling. ^^ It's peaceful love story between Yong and Huyn. It describe the MBC Gayo event so perfectly. I think that it's not a fic anymore, it's real. keke
Ahh, I wanna have a boyfriend like Yong, a real man with real emotion like you said. ^^
Hwaiting my author-nim.
Ps: I'd to follow to on Twitter. Could you give me your username?
Thank in advance!
I love this one too !
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