since i never post on here, but i'm always reading all you guys entries, i'm posting some shit.
i'm so ready to go back to school. i always knew i was going to move out of this town, but i'm ready for it. this month that i've been back, i've realized there isn't anything here for me.
everyone is changing. am i the only one seeing it?
so i decided i'm actually going to go to the christmas dance. srlsy. i know.
it is a formal, but do you think it's ok if i wear a knee length dress? i'm too damn short for those long ones. i'd rather not clean the floor as i walk around.
i got something from texas a&m. now i'm curious and think i would enjoy going there. it's so damn expensive though. and i can't use tops. so mom thinks it's out of the question. maybe i should start working and save money and get loans. i wish i could get a scholarship for something.