“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.” ― Tupac Shakur
I have temporarily made all my 9/11 related entries unlocked so my non-lj peeps can read them. The people who know me best know why I locked down my journal, but these entries are beyond anything like that. Look for the 9/11 tags.
My last day at the old job was 6 December. I was politely asked to leave due to a reorg. Not going to talk about that, but being a job hunter is interesting. And by interesting, it varies from amusing to gut wrenching
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So we were in the car driving back from Virginia and Boy #2 could not understand why my sisters and I all have different last names, and I attempted to explain this
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If you are smoking and pumping gas you have no right to tell the other lady who is talking on the phone and pumping gas that she could cause a fire. - my niece C
"The problem of distinguishing what we are and what we are not responsible for in this life is one of the greatest problems of human existence." - M. Scott Peck