1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not
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I love drunk people, they R fun. Especially at the Adventures Club at Downtown Disney, the one place were you can just really have fun. I love this place, so much, the shows are beyond awesome. I must get drunk there someday XD
I'm alive, haven't updated cause I be busy with work and hanging with Kara. I haven't even been gaming cause I've been out so much, now my only real free day to be at home doing whatever is Tuesday. Hopefully I can finish my Pixel ID for DA this tues
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Just for once can I go through an entire day/night at home without hearing gun shots from somewhere in the distance and fearing a bullet will come through my window or wall and impale me in the head, that would be great.