Title: [untitled]
Paring: C.J./Simon [C.J. POV]
Rating: gee
Spoilers: The Black Vera Wang
Notes: Oh man, C.J. POV. I don't really know what brought this on but I'm thinking about doing this for We Killed Yamamoto and Posse Comitatus (only with more plot). However I am a little wary as I feel this is totally out of character :x.
A little too pink )
Comments 1
Ahaha I love this.
And this in general. C.J./SIMON C.J./SIMON C.J./SIMON. What a lovely surprise to see joshuajean pop up on my flist this evening, and what an even lovelier surprise to find that it's OTP central. I love you, keep it up, more, gogogo! ♥
(P.S. I'm obsessed for pretty much no reason with C.J. saying "good gracious" in TBVW. I wanted you to know this about me.)
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