Ganked from faerykatSupposedly if you've seen over 70 of these movies (out of 200), you have no life. Number the ones you've seen. Put your score in header and repost
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If you had me alone...locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you do with me? All posts will be screened because it's a secret. Then repost this in your LJ- or don't. You might be surprised with the responses you get.
The Selfish MemeName ten things that you want for yourself. Nothing major or outstanding or lofty, and not in any particular order, just ten things that you want because you want them
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I hope I haven't chased anyone away with my complete disappearance for the past two months. I figure I'm long overdue for an update so if anybody out there is still interested, read on for the wonder that is my life
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