Round 2 sign ups are about to start but there is still some unfinished business from the last round.
Thank you and congratulations to all the authors and artists who took part in this challenge. Here is a round up of all of the works that can be found for Round 1.
Art Only
Maharet83Title: The Dead End Job
Fandom: Angel & Leverage
Link to art:
Title: Complete
hazel_eyes_86Fandom: Angel
Genre: Het
Word Count: 30,173
Rating: R
Spoilers: City Of, I've Got You Under My Skin, Expecting, Dead End, Rm w/a Vu, Heartthrob, The Price
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia, Gunn/Fred
Summary: After an attack, Cordy's life is turned upside down. She questions whether anyone would ever want her again. However, in the aftermath, she discovers that is something she hasn't needed to worry about for a long time.
Warning: Rape, violence, occasional swearing
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for
jossverse_bb and
30kin3. This is set in late season 3 so Wes isn't in this one. Other than the that, it goes completely AU.
Thank you to
hazel_eyes_86 for being the best beta around, bar none. Thank you for your encouragement and confidence in me. It meant more than you know.
here Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Title: When All Else Fails
aaronlisa Artist:
chosenfire28Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Genre: het, femslash, alternate universe
Word Count: 15155
Rating: FRMA (to be on the safe side)
Characters/Pairings: Willow Rosenberg, Faith Lehane, Angel/Angelus; Willow/Angel(us), Willow/Faith, Giles/Jenny, Cordelia/Oz
Warnings/Spoilers: mentions of character death, implied dub-con, some swearing
Author's Note: This is set during an AU after the first season where Buffy didn't survive the Master's attack. There are some references to the Buffy novelization
Go Ask Malice.
Summary: After leaving Sunnydale, Willow is torn by her growing attraction for Faith due to her lingering feelings for Angel and for Angelus' continued torment of her.
Link to fic:
Master post with poster at my fic journal Link to art: When I have a link for the master post, I will supply it.
Title:Memories of the Soul
lunaspec_gimmyFandom: Dollhouse
Genres: Het, romance, angst, drama
Word Count:16000
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Paul/Madeline, some Adelle, Topher and Boyd
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for season 1, AU for season two bar the mention of a couple of events in the first four episodes. Minor violence and language, character death(s)brief mention of non consensual BDSM (very minor!)
Author's Note: Lots of people to thank! Firstly my two wonderful artists
lunaspec_gimmy. Thank you both so much for all your hard work! Also, thanks to
cynicalshadows for being a fabulous Beta. This was written before the conclusion of season 2 but since watching it I have decided this is how I choose to believe it ACTUALLY ended :D
Summary:Madeline is trying to get on with her life since leaving the Dollhouse and Paul is trying to forget the woman he loved. Will they find each other again or will the Dollhouse keep them apart?
Link to fic:
HereLink to art:
Here and
Here Title: Imprinted Back
musical_junkie Artist:
babydykecate Fandom: Dollhouse
Genre: Het
Word Count: 15,648
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Topher/Claire, Ivy, Adelle
Warnings/Spoilers: I began writing this fic the premiere of season two. Events from Epitaph One and season two are primarily ignored, although pre-series information from Epitaph One is taken into consideration. However, there is reference to Sierra’s pre-Dollhouse life.
WARNINGS: Implied sexual content, mentions of psychological abuse, occasional language
Author's Note: This idea had been floating around in my head for months, but I never had a reason to take on a fic of this magnitude, and I didn’t want to waste the concept on a short fic. When Jossverse Big Bang came along, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to finally write it. Super thanks to my betas,
smercy and
sullenduchess for being awesome. Also, lots of love to
babydykecate for the fabulous fanmix.
Summary: Whiskey’s transition into Dr. Claire Saunders isn’t exactly what Adelle ordered when Topher takes it upon himself to make her just like her old self-exactly like her old self. When a new doll arrives, Claire recognizes her from her pre-Dollhouse life. While trying to figure out how she knows the new Active, Claire and Topher find out exactly why Claire joined the dollhouse.
Link to fic:
HereLink to art:
Here (Please note that it contains fic spoilers)
Title: Valentine's Day
meridian_roseFandom: Dollhouse
Genre: gen, het
Word Count: 20512
Rating: 15 [uk] R [usa]
Characters/Pairings: All / DeWitt/Dominic
Warnings/spoilers Violence (on par with show); strong language; minor sexual scenes (not explicit); mention of past accident/suicide by non-canon character. Spoilers throughout season one, though set very early season one.
Author's Note: Beta'd by
sevendayloan, with heartfelt thanks
The LA Dollhouse is invaded by a team led by a man known to Adelle, one Valentine Raye; his intention is to steal imprints for firm that is competing with Rossum. When Adelle refuses, Valentine shoots Dominic.
The next part of the story is told in flashback. When Adelle's father died, Dominic accompanied her to the family home in Hampshire where he met the rest of her family. The DeWitt family has more than its share of secrets and in-fighting, and taken aback by Dominic's support of her and the only relative she cares about, Adelle let down her guard and allowed her relationship with Dominic to move into the personal and physical.
Back in the present, Adelle, both cursing herself for letting herself get involved enough to care for Dominic, and yet wanting to save his life, makes a deal with Valentine. If he allows Saunders to save Dominic's life, she will order Topher to hand over the imprints. Now it's up to Topher, ordered to imprint Victor, Sierra, and Echo to assist Saunders, to find a way to not only save Dominic, but to save the Dollhouse itself.
Link to fic: to art: Firefly
Title: The Dance
scarletshimmer &
xeyraFandom: Firefly
Genre: Het
Word Count: 15355
Rating: nc-17
Characters/Pairings: Jayne/Zoe
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Author's Note: A huge thanks to
the_proofreader for betaing for me.
Summary: Post BDM. Mal and Zoe are making plans to go undercover as a couple for a job. But last minute they, they discover that Mal can’t go, leaving Jayne to take his place. While on the job, Zoe and Jayne become closer than either of them ever imagined was possible. However, when they get back to Serenity, Zoe doesn’t want things to change from how they used to be.
Link to fic: Can be found
hereLink to art: Can be found
here Title: Shadow
darkmagic_luvr and
dhfreakFandom: Firefly/Dollhouse fusion. It's primarily set in the Firefly universe, but with Dollhouse technology
Genre: Gen
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Mostly Simon, Mal, Inara, and River
Warnings/Spoilers: None, really.
Author's Note: Thank you very much to my beta, the lovely
anxiety_junkieSummary: Simon knows his sister isn't dead, no matter what the medical records say. Mal can't turn down a job that pays fifty-thousand platinum, no matter how risky. And Inara can't live with it anymore.
Link to fic:
ShadowLink to art:
here and
here Title: Love to See the Tempest Come
Author: Vera [info]dragons_muse
Artist:Sinful Teddy and Whiskeyinmind
Fandom: Firefly
Genre: AU, Slash, Het
Word Count: 30, 316
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Mal/Wash, Kaylee/Zoe, River/ Jayne
Warnings/Spoilers: None, really.
Author's Note: Thank you to my artists who delivered so beautifully.
Summary: After the American Revolution, Mal makes his way to his old home to start a new life.
Link to fic:
Love to See the Tempest Come"Link to art:
Awesome illustration AND
Cover, Chapter Covers and Icons! Drifters and Dreamers
jackwabbit Artist:
iulieki and
darkmagic_luvrFandom: Firefly
Rated: PG-13 for language, adult themes.
Category: Gen (though some Mal/Inara UST may rear up from time to time), Crew, Adventure, FutureFic - takes place one to two years after the events of Serenity.
Word Count: 20,215
Spoilers: General series knowledge.
Summary: Jayne seeks Mal’s help on a job of the family sort. When Mal decides to take it, he gets much more than he bargained for.
Note: A few years ago, I wrote a short story called
Dreamer, set in the Firefly ‘verse. That tale centered on a young girl. This is the story of how that girl came to be. It was written for the Jossverse Big Bang Challenge 2010 and is meant as a companion to Dreamer, but it can stand alone. Warning - major character death off-camera, so to speak.
Link to Fic: Link to Art: (Thank you, iulieki!)
Link to More Art: (Thank you, darkmagic_luvr!)
Title: So We hope that Tomorrow brings us our Butterfly Wings
zarajade123 &
PylarwomanFandom: Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Genre: Het, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 28,108
Rating: R-NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Faithsley [central], Faith/Knox, Wesley/OC [implied], Connor/Dawn [Other characters: Angel, Gunn, Fred/Illyria, Buffy and a few OCs]
Spoilers: from Five by Five & Sanctuary, to Salvage, Release and Orpheus and Shells, Underneath and Origin.
Disclaimer: The whole concept of Angel/Buffy © the awesomeness that is Joss Whedon, don’t sue because the contents of my bank account is only worth about a third of the amount in my beloved home currency so probably next to nothing in US$. Plot mostly based on fiction…i.e not real….but a girl can wish<3 Title © Owl City.
Author's Note: Written for
jossverse_bb. Much love and grattitude to my artists
zarajade123 and
karahalliwell who are majorly awesome and talented. Comments = love and pwp and E-cookies over the next year or so :D
Summary: Angel hires Faith as a bodyguard once she is out of jail but when she sees Wesley she finds herself in a spiralling kind of romance she never thought she would be able to experience with anyone let alone a subject of her past. But when it turns to hell more than a slayer can bare can she make herself realise how she really feels for him or will she just resign herself to the fact that it just isn’t possible for a Slayer to be loved before it's too late?
Links to fic:
hereLink to art:
here and
here Title: One In a Million
enwashianFandom: Firefly/Buffy crossover
Genre: het
Word Count: 17343
Rating: R (for Chinese swear words and some drinking)
Characters/Pairings: Mal/Faith
Warnings/Spoilers: This is set after Serenity (BDM) and somewhere in the last season of Buffy. All the Chinese is either found at
this really cool site or using Google Translator. Please don't think that it's exactly correct because I don't know Chinese any more than Faith does.
Author's Note: I've finished something! Imagine my surprise! I would like to thank
imagine_that and
brendanm720 for putting up with my "I'll have the rest to you tomorrow" attitude through most of this. I certainly made you wait for a lot of tomorrows! I would also like to think
entwashian for the very cool fanmix and mannip she made for this story. There is nothing more cool in this life than having someone make something for a story I write. Thank you so much! Last but not least, this is for all my fellow browncoats at
whedonland. It's true that I will do anything to get points for my team (save for making vids because I still don't know how to do that) and without that drive, I never would have completed this.
Summary: Thanks to a strange box that Kaylee found in a junkyard, Faith finds herself pulled from the world of vampire slaying that she knows so well only to land onboard Serenity in a time well out of her own. She’s surprised when the crew accept her so easily but even more surprised when the captain seems to find her as intriguing as she finds him. Mal has lost a lot of people in his life but when he loses Faith, he loses more than a friend. He loses the one girl who might be the perfect fit for his heart and soul. Will he find her again after Kaylee sends her back to where she came from and, if he does, will she return his feelings?
Link to fic:
Here are the wordsLink to art:
Here are the pretties Title: all your children here in their rags of light
nowgoldFandom: buffy the vampire slayer/angel the series (no comics)
Genre: f/f, m/f, baby
Word Count: 15219
Rating: pg-ish
Characters/Pairings: Connor, Original Female Character, Original Female Character 2, Wesley, Gunn, Giles, Angel, Spike, Original Male Character
Warnings/Spoilers: (if any - PLEASE warn for anything that might be triggering) children in jeopardy, violence
Author's Note: Thanks to
templemarker for beta,
annaalamode for inspiration and audiencing. Title from Leonard Cohen's If It Be Your Will. Micah & Autumn are 'based' on
Jourdan Dunn & Karlie Kloss (link goes to an image on tumblr, sfw) but only physically and to some extent, career-wise.
Summary: And then they were all talking and more girls came over because everyone smoked and Micah knew she would have to wait to talk about her impending doom and all the demons converging on Once later. Later, later, she thought. Those Slayers Giles had sent had better make sure no one touched her daughter. This was just the first wave, two giggly girls who could lift a truck watching the most important baby in the world.
Except she was only supposed to be important to Micah. And Autumn, who took the role of Godmother very seriously.
Link to fic:
1. 2.Link to art: (will be edited in when completed.)