Title: Running to Catch Up Again
Author: Joyfulgirl41
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean (Wincest)
Rating: teen
Summary: Four personal revelations that Sam doesn’t share with Dean (and one that he does).
Notes: Thank you to
stone_princess for existing and such. Also for the audiencing and the betaing. More love than I can express without resorting to
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Comments 48
I refuse to like Jess, so stop that. I would have liked her if she had brown or red hair. As it stands, no. But she is very cute here. Still, all in all: disapprove. *g*
Oh, Sammy. I love you more and more.
he ends up giving Dean a black eye and a bloody nose before Dad breaks them apart.
YES! The sex.
Does that mean you're not going to read my Sam/Jess story? Even though it's basically a big love letter to Sam?
I would have liked her if she had brown or red hair. As it stands, no.
Heee!! You have a thing against blondes?
But she is very cute here. Still, all in all: disapprove. *g*
Awww, thank you!!
Oh, Sammy. I love you more and more.
How can you not? I mean, it's Sam!! He's all pretty and emo!! *heart*
Is that what love is 'supposed' to look like?
I just want you to need me.
I could lose you.
I look up to you.
I just want you to be proud of me.
I never knew who much you needed of me. But I get it now.
Lovely story. Very powerful and very emotional.
Awww, poor Sammy. Always wanting a normal family and not realizing that where it really counts he already had one.
"Hey." Dad crouches down until he's eye-level with Sam. "Your brother is always proud of you. He just wants to be sure you're safe. Okay?"
And although I adore the protectiveness and love between the brothers that you've portrayed, I really, really like this little tidbit of John and how he understands what's going on and how gently he explains it to Sam.
Eeeeee! Thank you!! Daddy Winchester is hard to figure out, but I think he would be like this! *nods*
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