I swear in the last year and a half or so all anyone has ever heard from me is my damned boy trouble. I just asked out a guy that i've had a crush on for about 6-7 months and he told me he was "too busy right now" because he graduates in 6 weeks. If that's not the chicken-shittest answer.... right now I feel like hating anyone who hasn't felt any
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Anyone notice how deprssing LiveJournal is these days? It makes me sad. I bet one day something better than myspace'll come around and BOOM it'll be the same all over again. If livejournal could just like put music on or something, it'd be better. But no, MySpace took the majority over and turned them against LiveJournal and now I hardly ever look
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Hey. I've got some coolio new to report. It actually snowed today. And not just a little bit that covers the ground lightly either. It got us out of school at 9:30 (we start at 8:30) and it actually stuck long enough for us to have a snowball fight. It's the real deal, the type of the thing we used to get every year! It's nice. Here are pictures. ( Snow Pictures )
So this Christmas was fairly decent ya know. I got the complete boxed set of Monty Python's Flying Circus, which was very nice, and MP and the Holy Grail and a book of Irish sayings from my dad and a few other things and a braclet, MP's Life of Brian and a very nice sweater+ a few other little things from my mom's family. And me and my brother got
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OMFG! I GOT 2 nd chair senior concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For most people that read this, that means I tried out at an audition for band and I get to go to this concert and play the best music they give us. For those who know what it means...YAY!!!! I thought I wasn't even going to make it. I made up part of the audition. I hope NO ONE drops
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Hello. I think I've officially fallen in love with Monty Python. And it depresses me because it just makes me think about how I was born in the wrong generation. I'm going to put in a picture of my favorite python. ( Read more... )