Ok so it is obvious people fill out surveys. Well I was reading my live journal instead of studying and I thought it would be interesting to compare what I wrote over a year ago to today
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So Frank and I have been dating for over 8 months...I think it is pretty well fizziled. I mean I sit here and I wonder and then I think I don't care, then I think I do...I don't know it is a long drawn out decision. Half of me feels like it will all work out and the other half does not care if it does or does not. It is stupid the things I frett
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I remember back in the day, maybe it was not so much back in the DAY as a few years ago when Valerie's brother Kev pulled a sticker off a desk at UCF. That sticker said "Bored as hell and I want to get ill" I never though a stupid sticker would be stuck in my head for so long...AHH who am I kidding it was an awesome sticker! Life is interesting. I
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